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  • AT87C5103 带有12K系统内可编程ROM/OTP存储器  
  • 发布时间:2009/8/11 15:49:47   修改时间:2009/8/11 15:49:47 浏览次数:1224
  • AT87C5103 带有12K系统内可编程ROM/OTP存储器

    Mask ROM (Kbytes) 12
    RAM (Bytes) 512
    F.max (MHz) 16
    Vcc (V) 3—5.5
    I/O Pins 19
    16-bit Timers 2
    SPI Yes
    Packages SSOP 16
    SSOP 24
    Pb-Free Packages   SSOP 16
    SSOP 24
    AT87C5103 概述

    The AT8xC5103 is a high-performance ROM/OTP version of the 80C51 8-bit Microcontroller in 16 and 24-pin packages.
    The AT8xC5103 contains a standard C51 CPU core with 12 Kbytes ROM/OTP program memory, 256 bytes of internal RAM, 256 bytes of extended internal RAM, a 5- sources 4-level interrupt system, two timer/counters and a SPI serial bus controller. The AT8xC5103 is also dedicated for analog interfacing applications. For this, it has a five channels Programmable Counter Array.
    In addition, the AT8xC5103 implements the X2 speed improvement mechanism. The X2 feature allows to keep the same CPU power at a divided by two oscillator frequency.
    The fully static design of the AT8xC5103 allows to reduce system power consumption by bringing the clock frequency down to any value, even DC, without loss of data.

    AT87C5103 特性
    • 80C51 Compatible CPU Core High-speed Architecture
    • X2 Speed Improvement Capability (6 Clocks/Machine Cycle)
    • 16 MHz in Standard or X2 mode
    • 256 Bytes RAM
    • 256 Bytes XRAM
    • 12K Bytes ROM/OTP Program Memory
    • Two 16-bit Timer/Counters T0, T1
    • 5 Channels Programmable Counter Array with High-speed Output, Compare/Capture,
      Pulse Width Modulation and Watchdog Timer Capabilities
    • SPI Interface (Master and Slave mode)
    • Interrupt Structure with:
      – 6 Interrupt Sources
      – 4 Interrupt Priority Levels
    • Power Supply: 3 - 5.5V
    • Temperature Range: Industrial (-40oC to 85oC), Automotive (-40oC to 125oC)
    • Package: SSOP16, SSOP24
    AT87C5103 订购型号
    Part Number Code Memory Size Supply Voltage Temperature
    Max Frequency Packing Package
    AT87C5103-IBSAL 12K OTP 3.0 - 5.5V Automotive 16 MHz Stick SSOP16
    AT87C5103-IBRAL 12K OTP 3.0 - 5.5V Automotive 16 MHz Reel SSOP16
    AT87C5103-ICSAL 12K OTP 3.0 - 5.5V Automotive 16 MHz Stick SSOP24
    AT87C5103-ICRAL 12K OTP 3.0 - 5.5V Automotive 16 MHz Reel SSOP24
    AT87C5103 技术支持
    1. AT87C5103 数据手册DataSheet 下载. PDF
    2. 80C51微控制器的复位输入. PDF (编号: Tech 8051 00049)
    3. 80C51在系统Flash编程. PDF (编号:8051 00050)
    4. Device Programmers for 8051 Devices (Other, updated 09/07)
      This Excel spreadsheet provide summary information on device programmers supporting Atmel 8051 microcontrollers
    5. Emulators for 80C51 Devices (Other, updated 11/03)
      This Excel spreadsheet provide summary information on emulation support for Atmel 80C51 microcontrollers
    6. Package Adapters of 80C51 Devices (Other, updated 10/04)
      This Excel spreadsheet list available package adapters for Atmel 80C51
  • 企业介绍
提供全方位的电子产品技术信息解决方案 嵌入式微处理器系统 16/32位系列 个人数字助理PDA,StrongARM 处理器及开发工具 廉价的单片机PIC12系列 DSP信号处理器系统等嵌入式控制器 滤波器 模数转换器 D/A A/D转换器 高性能运放 非易失存储器 射频和微波电路 C…  更多>>
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