High Quality Tools高质量五金工具
我们是西班牙EGA Master在中国区域的总代理。
西班牙EGA Master目前是全球最完整范围高质量五金工具制造商,其产品广泛应用于石油天然气、矿业、重工业、施工、汽车和航空领域。
EGA Master在原来管道工具和手持工具的基础之上,在过去10年成功开发出1000伏绝缘工具、无火花工具、无磁钛合金工具和防爆本安仪器。EGA Master现在已经成为工业用户需要的能够提供完整解决方案第一制造商。
EGA Maste生产超过100种几个欧美国家及日本的私人品牌,更重要的是,它是全球唯一一家能够为客户制造他们自己的品牌没有任何最低数量的要求。
EGA Master制造的高质量安全的五金工具产品越来越广泛受到中国工业用户的青睐。
手持工具: 扳手钳子螺丝刀锯弓等
管道工具: 管钳,夹具等
无火花工具: 手锤扳手钳子等
1000V绝缘安全工具: 扳手钳子螺丝刀等
钛合金无磁工具: 扳手钳子螺丝刀等
本安工具: 手机测试表等
我公司正在寻找EGA Master高质量五金工具中国区分销商和合作伙伴,来共同开发中国市场,如你想进一步了解EGA Master,请点击其官方网站http://www.egamaster.com
如有任何的需要请联系我们: Contacts: 2050066@163.com, 0752-2050066
Spain EGA Master High Quality Tools

Ega Master is currently the global manufacturer with the most complete range of tools for various industries such as oil and gas, mining, heavy industry, construction, automotive and aviation.
Building on its initial range of pipe and hand tools, Ega Master has developed with great success in the last decade 1000V insulated tools, non-sparking tools, non-magnetic titanium tools and explosion-proof intrinsically safe instruments. Ega Master has thus become the first manufacturer to offer an integrated solution of the needs of the industrial user.
In addition to the proven quality and safety of products manufactured by Ega Master, this breadth of range is hihgly appreciated by industrial users in China.