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  • ATxmega128A3  
  • 发布时间:2009/8/8 9:21:46   修改时间:2009/8/8 9:21:46 浏览次数:1314
  • ATxmega128A3

    ATxmega128A3 特性
    • High-performance, Low-power AVR 8/16-bit XMEGA Microcontroller
    • Non-volatile Program and Data Memories
      – 64K - 256K Bytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash
      – 4K - 8K Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits
      – 2K - 4K Bytes EEPROM
      – 4K - 16K Bytes Internal SRAM
      External Bus Interface for up to 16M bytes SRAM
      External Bus Interface for up to 128M Bytes SDRAM
    • Peripheral Features
      – Four-channel DMA Controller with support for external requests
      – Eight-channel Event System
      – Seven 16-bit Timer/Counters
      Four Timer/Counters with 4 Output Compare or Input Capture channels
      Three Timer/Counters with 2 Output Compare or Input Capture channels
      High Resolution Extensions on all Timer/Counters
      Advanced Waveform Extension on one Timer/Counter
      – Seven USARTs
      IrDA Extension on 1 USART
      – AES and DES Crypto Engine
      – Two Two-wire Interfaces with dual address match(I2C and SMBus compatible)
      – Three SPI (Serial Peripheral Interfaces)
      – 16-bit Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator
      – Two Eight-channel, 12-bit, 2 Msps Analog to Digital Converters
      – One Two-channel, 12-bit, 1 Msps Digital to Analog Converter
      – Four Analog Comparators with Window compare function
      – External Interrupts on all General Purpose I/O pins
      – Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Ultra Low Power Oscillator
    • Special Microcontroller Features
      – Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection
      – Internal and External Clock Options with PLL
      – Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller
      – Sleep Modes: Idle, Power-down, Standby, Power-save, Extended Standby
      – Advanced Programming, Test and Debugging Interfaces
      JTAG (IEEE 1149.1 Compliant) Interface for test, debug and programming
      PDI (Program and Debug Interface) for programming, test and debugging
    • I/O and Packages
      – 50 Programmable I/O Lines
      – 64-lead TQFP
      – 64-pad MLF
    • Operating Voltage
      – 1.6 – 3.6V
    • Speed performance
      – 0 – 12 MHz @ 1.6 – 3.6V
      – 0 – 32 MHz @ 2.7 – 3.6V
    ATxmega128A3 概述

    The XMEGA A3 is a family of low power, high performance and peripheral rich CMOS 8/16-bit
    microcontrollers based on the AVR?enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful
    instructions in a single clock cycle, the XMEGA A3 achieves throughputs approaching 1 Million
    Instructions Per Second (MIPS) per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
    The AVR CPU combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers. All the
    32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent
    registers to be accessed in one single instruction, executed in one clock cycle. The resulting
    architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs many times faster than conventional
    single-accumulator or CISC based microcontrollers.
    The XMEGA A3 devices provide the following features: In-System Programmable Flash with
    Read-While-Write capabilities, Internal EEPROM and SRAM, four-channel DMA Controller,
    eight-channel Event System, Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller, 50 general purpose
    I/O lines, 16-bit Real Time Counter (RTC), seven flexible 16-bit Timer/Counters with compare
    modes and PWM, seven USARTs, two Two Wire Serial Interfaces (TWIs), three Serial Peripheral
    Interfaces (SPIs), AES and DES crypto engine, two 8-channel 12-bit ADCs with optional
    differential input with programmable gain, one 2-channel 12-bit DACs, four analog comparators
    with window mode, programmable Watchdog Timer with separate Internal Oscillator, accurate
    internal oscillators with PLL and prescaler and programmable Brown-Out Detection.
    The Program and Debug Interface (PDI), a fast 2-pin interface for programming and debugging,
    is available. The devices also have an IEEE std. 1149.1 compliant JTAG test interface, and this
    can also be used for On-chip Debug and programming.
    The XMEGA A3 devices have five software selectable power saving modes. The Idle mode
    stops the CPU while allowing the SRAM, DMA Controller, Event System, Interrupt Controller and
    all peripherals to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the SRAM and register
    contents but stops the oscillators, disabling all other functions until the next TWI or pin-change
    interrupt, or Reset. In Power-save mode, the asynchronous Real Time Counter continues to run,
    allowing the application to maintain a timer base while the rest of the device is sleeping. In
    Standby mode, the Crystal/Resonator Oscillator is kept running while the rest of the device is
    sleeping. This allows very fast start-up from external crystal combined with low power consumption.
    In Extended Standby mode, both the main Oscillator and the Asynchronous Timer continue
    to run. To further reduce power consumption, the peripheral clock for each individual peripheral
    can optionally be stopped in Active mode and Idle sleep mode.
    The device is manufactured using Atmel's high-density nonvolatile memory technology. The program
    Flash memory can be reprogrammed in-system through the PDI or JTAG. A Bootloader
    running in the device can use any interface to download the application program to the Flash
    memory. The Bootloader software in the Boot Flash section will continue to run while the Application
    Flash section is updated, providing true Read-While-Write operation. By combining an
    8/16-bit RISC CPU with In-System Self-Programmable Flash, the Atmel XMEGA A3 is a powerful
    microcontroller family that provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution for many
    embedded applications.
    The XMEGA A3 devices are supported with a full suite of program and system development
    tools including: C compilers, macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, programmers,
    and evaluation kits.

    ATxmega128A3 订购型号
    Ordering Code Flash (B) E2 (B) SRAM (B) Speed (MHz) Power Supply Package Temp
    ATxmega128A3-AU 128K + 8K 2K 8K 32 1.8 - 3.6V 64A -40° - 85°C
    ATxmega128A3-MU 128K + 8K 2K 8K 32 1.8 - 3.6V 64M1 -40° - 85°C
    ATxmega128A3 技术支持
    1. ATMEL 爱特梅尔AVR 微控制器 ATxmega128A3 中文数据手册DataSheet 下载. PDF
    2. ATMEL 爱特梅尔AVR 微控制器ATxmega128A3 数据手册DataSheet 下载. PDF
    3. ATMEL 爱特梅尔半导体公司产品线. PDF (编号:Atmel Products)
    4. Atmel 爱特梅尔AVR 微控制器简介.PDF (编号:Tech AVR 000)MLF32
    5. 面向新手的AVR开发工具,及基本知识.PDF(编号:Tech AVR 001)
    6. 使用AVR 定时/计数器的PWM功能设计要点 .PDF (编号:Tech AVR 002)
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提供全方位的电子产品技术信息解决方案 嵌入式微处理器系统 16/32位系列 个人数字助理PDA,StrongARM 处理器及开发工具 廉价的单片机PIC12系列 DSP信号处理器系统等嵌入式控制器 滤波器 模数转换器 D/A A/D转换器 高性能运放 非易失存储器 射频和微波电路 C…  更多>>
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  • 李小东 在2023/8/23 0:15:00留言
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  • 徐工 在2022/11/23 15:39:00留言
  • 留言类型:我让贵公司技术支持人员联系我,
  • 详细留言:ATMEGA32 TWI硬件从机使用。
  • 徐工 在2022/11/21 9:30:00留言
  • 留言类型:我让贵公司技术支持人员联系我,
  • 详细留言:ATMEAG32 硬件11C主从通信
  • 于方元 在2021/7/8 19:21:00留言
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  • 详细留言:全以太网工控系统开发。
  • 明小姐 在2015/3/26 16:06:00留言
  • 留言类型:得到贵公司产品详细资料,
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