数字存储示波器 LeCroy 935x系列
厂家: 美国力科
尺寸: 21x37x41cm
重量: 13kg
- 500M带宽,4通道
- 采样率最高可达2 GS/s
- 9354AL可达8M存储深度,9354TM可达2M存储深度
- Innovative Peak Detect Mode
- Fully programmable via GPIB and RS-232-C
- Automatic PASS/FAIL testing
- Advanced Signal Processing
- Internal High Resolution Graphics
- Glitch, Pattern, Qualified, Interval, Dropout and Video Triggers
- 8-bit vertical resolution, 11 with ERES option
- DOS Compatible Floppy Disk, PCMCIA potable hard drive and Memory Card options
Memory Per Channel |
Channels Used |
Maximum Sample Rate |
9350A 9354A |
9350AM 9354AM |
9354TM |
9350AL 9354AL |
Notes |
All, Peak Detect OFF |
500 MS/s |
50k |
250k |
500k |
2M |
All channels active |
All, Peak Detect ON |
100 MS/s data 400 MS/s peak |
25k data + 25k peaks |
100 data + 100 peaks |
250k data + 250k peaks |
1M data + 1M peaks |
All channels active 2.5 ns peak detect |
Paired Peak Detect OFF |
1 GS/s |
100 |
500 |
1M |
4M |
9350; CH1 9354A; Ch2 + Ch3 |
Paired + PP093 Peak Detect OFF |
2 GS/s |
200 |
1000 |
2M |
8M |
9354A Models Only |
- 带宽(-3 dB):DC to 500 MHz
- No. of Channels:4 CH
- No. of Digitizers:4 CH
- 最大采样率:2 GS/s
- 采集存储器:9354AL可达8 M,9354TM可达2M.
- 灵敏度:2 mV/div to 5 V/div, fully variable.
- Scale factors:A wide choice of over 12 probe attenuation factors are selectable.
- Offset Range:2.0 - 9.9 mV/div:± 120 mV
10.0 - 199 mV/div:± 1.2 V
0.2 - 5.0 V/div:± 24 V
±20 V across the whole sensitivity range when using the AP 020 FET probe.
- DC Accuracy:< or equal to±2% full scale.
- 垂直分解度:8 bits.
- 带宽限幅器:30 MHz
- 输入耦合:AC, DC, GND.
- 输入阻抗:1 M Ohm//14 pF or 50 Ohms ± 1%.
- 最大输入:
1 M Ohm:250 V (DC+peak AC < or equal to 10 kHz)
50 Ohms:± 5 V DC (500 mW) or 5 V RMS
- Timebases:Main and up to 4 Zoom Traces.
- Time/Div Range:1 ns/div to 1000 s/div.
- Clock Accuracy:< or equal to 10 ppm
- Interpolator resolution:10 ps
- Roll Mode:Ranges 500 ms to 1,000 s/div.
- For > 50k points:10 s to 1,000 s/div.
- External Clock:< or equal to 100 MHz on EXT input with ECL, TTL or zero crossing levels up to 500 MHz with option 935XA-CKTRIG.
- Trigger Modes:Normal, Auto, Single.
- Trigger Sources:CH1, CH2, Line, Ext, Ext/10 (9354:CH3, CH4), Slope, Level and Coupling for each can be set independently.
- Slope:Positive, Negative.
- Coupling:AC, DC, HF, LFREJ, HFREJ.
- Pre-trigger recording:0 to 100% of full scale (adjustable in 0.1 div increments).
- Post-trigger delay:0 to 10,000 divisions (adjustable in 0.01% increments).
- Holdoff by time:10 ns to 20 s.
- Holdoff by events:0 to 99,999,999 events.
- Trigger Bandwidth:Up to 500 MHz using HF coupling.
- Internal Trigger Sensitivity Range:± 5 div.
- EXT Trigger Max Input:
1 M Ohm//15 pF:250 V (DC+peak AC < or equal to 10 kHz)
50 Ohms ± 1%:± 5 V DC (500 mW) or 5 V RMS
- EXT Trigger Range:±0.5 V (±5 V with Ext/10)
- Trigger Timing:Trigger Date and Time are listed in the Memory Status Menu.
- Pattern:Trigger on the logic AND of 5 inputs - CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, and EXT Trigger, (9350:3 inputs - CH1, CH2, EXT) where each source can be defined as High, Low or Don't Care. The Trigger can be defined as the beginning or end of the specified pattern.
- Signal or Pattern Width:Trigger on glitches as short as 1 nsec or on pulse widths between two limits selectable from < 2.5ns to 20s.
- Signal or Pattern Interval:Trigger on an interval between two limits selectable from 10ns to 20s.
- Dropout:Trigger if the input signal drops out for longer than a time-out from 25ns to 20s.
- State/Edge Qualified:Trigger on any source only if a given state (or transition) has occurred on another source. The delay between these events can be defined as a number of events on the trigger channel or as a time interval.
- TV:Allows selection of both line (up to 1500) and field number (up to 8) for PAL, SECAM, NTSC or non-standard video.
- Random Interleaved Sampling (RIS):for repetitive signals from 1 ns/div to 2 μs/div (M,L versions:from 1 ns/div to 5 μs/div).
- Single shot:for transient and repetitive signals from 10 ns/div (all channels active).
- Peak detect:captures and displays 2.5 ns glitches or other high-speed events.
- Sequence:Stores multiple events - each of them time stamped - in segmented acquisition memories.
- Number of segments available:9354TM 2-500, 9354AL 2-2,000
- Waveform style:Vectors connect the individual sample points, which are highlighted as dots. Vectors may be switched off.
- CRT:12.5 x 17.5 cm (9" diagonal) raster.
- Resolution:810 x 696 points.
- Modes:Normal, X-Y, Variable or Infinite Persistence.
- Real-time Clock:Date, hours, minutes, seconds.
- Graticules:Internally generated; separate intensity control for grids and waveforms.
- Grids:1, 2 or 4 grids.
- Formats:YT, XY, and both together.
- Vertical Zoom:Up to 5x Vertical Expansion (50x with averaging, up to 40 μV sensitivity).
- Horizontal Zoom Factors:9354TM 2,000x, 9354AL 40,000x
- Waveform Memory:Up to four 16-bit Memories (M1,M2,M3,M4).
- Processing Memory:Up to four 16-bit Waveform Processing Memories (A,B,C,D).
- Setup Memory:Four non-volatile memories. Optional Cards or Disks may also be used for high-capacity waveform and setup storage.
- Relative Time:Two cursors provide time measurements with resolution of ±0.05% full scale for unexpanded traces; up to 10 % of the sampling interval for expanded traces. The corresponding frequency value is also displayed.
- Relative Voltage:Two horizontal bars measure voltage differences up to ±0.2% of fullscale in single-grid mode.
- Absolute Time:A cross hair marker measures time relative to the trigger, and voltage with respect to ground.
- Pass/Fail testing allow up to five of the listed parameters to be tested against selectable thresholds. Waveform Limit Testing is performed using templates which may be defined inside the instrument.
- Up to four processing functions may be performed simultaneously. Functions available are:Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Negate, Identity, Sin (x)/x and Summation Averaging.
- Average:Summed averaging of up to 1,000 waveforms in the basic instrument. Up to a million sweeps are possible with Option WP01.
- Envelope:Max, Min, or Max and Min values of up to one million sweeps.
- ERES:Low-Pass digital filter provides up to 11 bits vertical resolution.
Sampled data is always available, even when a trace is turned off. Any of the above modes can be invoked without destroying the data.
- FFT:Spectral Analysis with four windowing functions and FFT averaging.
- Envelope and ERES modes are provided in Math Package WP01, FFT is in WP02.
- Pressing Autosetup sets timebase, trigger and sensitivity to display a wide range of repetitive signals. (Amplitude 2mV to 40V; frequency above 50Hz; Duty cycle greater than 0.1%).
- Autosetup Time:Approximately 2 seconds.
- Vertical Find:Automatically sets sensitivity and offset.
- Remote Control:All front-panel controls, as well as all internal functions are possible by GPIB and RS-232-C.
- RS-232-C Port (Standard):Asynchronous up to 19200 baud for computer/terminal control or printer/plotter connection.
- GPIB Port (Standard):(IEEE-488.1) Configurable as talker/listener for computer control and fast data transfer. Command Language complies with requirements of IEEE-488.2.
- Centronics Port:Optional hardcopy parallel interface included with floppy disk and graphics printer option.
- Hardcopy:Screen dumps are activated by a front-panel button or via remote control. TIFF format is available for importing into Desktop Publishing programs. The following printers and plotters can be used to make hardcopies:
HP DeskJet (color or B&W), HP ThinkJet, QuietJet, LaserJet, PaintJet and EPSON printers. HP 7400 and 7500 series, or HPGL compatible plotters.
An optional internal high resolution graphics printer is also available.
Auto-calibration ensures specified DC and timing accuracy.
- Temperature:5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F) rated, 0° to 50° C (32° to 122° F) operating.
- Humidity:< 80%.
- Shock & Vibration:Meets MIL-STD-810C modified to LeCroy design specifications and MIL-T-28800C.
- Power:90-250 V AC, 45-66 Hz, 230 W.
High speed and long memory make this family the ideal 500 MHz general-purpose Digital Storage Oscilloscopes. Two and four channel simultaneous sampling at 500 MS/s meets demanding high-speed design applications. Even faster sampling may be achieved by combining channels, up to a maximum of 2 GS/s. Acquisition memories may also be combined, providing up to 8 M points of continuous or segmented waveform recording. Repetitive signals are digitized at up to 10 GS/s.
A unique peak detect scheme triggers on glitches down to 1ns and keeps the ADC sampling at 2.5 ns - even at slow time bases - without destroying the underlying data. This provides circuit designers with the benefits of peak detection without any loss of precision.
Live waveforms on the main timebase may be viewed simultaneously with up to 3 expansions, showing all of the signal detail. Expansions are shown as highlights on the main trace. Each zoomed detail may be expanded horizontally and vertically as required.
SMART Trigger modes like Glitch, Pattern, Dropout and TV allow you to capture precisely the events of interest. Pre- and Post-Trigger delay, and Time and Events Holdoff are also standard. The 9350A family features the proven user-interface of LeCroy's portable scopes. A bright 9" CRT allows optimum waveform viewing on a high resolution 810 x 696 pixel screen. Menus and text are arranged around the graticules - they never overwrite the waveforms. Dedicated control knobs keep the scope's performance at your fingertips.
A comprehensive range of signal processing functions including FFT and Math on live or stored waveforms, allows extensive waveform manipulation. Up to 16 MBytes of RAM are standard allowing advanced processing including FFT's up to 1 Mpoint. For the most powerful processing in the industry, a 64 MByte RAM option is available. DOS compatible floppy disk, PCMCIA portable hard drive and memory card options store waveforms and test setups, and simplify data transfer to any PC. An optional high resolution graphics printer is also available.