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  • MPA7300 多路协议分析仪  
  • 发布时间:2007/11/4 16:34:51   修改时间:2009/3/26 14:54:18 浏览次数:2825
  • MPA7300 多路协议分析仪
  • 场信令仪(多路协议分析仪)
    MPA7300 MPA7200 MPA7100

    厂家 GN Nettest

    包含所有主要的电信协议:SS7, DASS2, DPNSS, BTNR167, GSM, ETSI Q931, INAP 等等.

    所 配 模 块

    MPA7300 Multi Processor *2 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *1 -
    MPA7300 Multi Processor *3    
    MPA7300 Multi Processor *1 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *1 2 Mbit/s Balanced Quad Link *1
    MPA7200 Multi Processor *2 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *5 PCI Link Interface *1
    MPA7200 PCI Controller *2 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *6 -
    MPA7100 Multi Processor *1 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *1  
    MPA7100 Multi Processor *1 2 Mbit/s Unbalanced Quad Link *1 -








    ◆中文操作界面仿真设计 提供友好的人机交互界面,系统操作简单易学。


    操作系统 Microsoft Windows2000
    CPU Pentium 400MHz
    RAM 128MB
    显示模式 SVGA,TFT真彩色
    缓存 1Gbyte disk on the MPU
    硬盘 12GB

    Used for acceptance testing, detailed trouble shooting, daily maintenance and performance analysis of telecoms networks and switches.

    多达10种协议同时分析。Easy to use multi-link instrument with true multi-protocol analysis capability for up to ten protocols simultaneously.

    Ability to store 1GB of data with 1ms resolution, filter trigger and perform sequence recording for easy analysis.


    协议分析功能捕获发出的信号单元并以解码的形式显示。The protocol-analysis function captures signaling units and displays them in decoded form. The captured signaling units in the log are time-stamped with a resolution of 1 millisecond. The MPA 7300provides full correlation of signaling information recorded from all connected signaling links. Different protocol descriptions may be associated with the various signaling-link interfaces. National protocol descriptions can easily be customized. Automatic error recognition The unique MPA 7300 expert system automatically recognizes all invalid signaling messages and sequences (all valid messages and sequences are contained in the protocol description). In case of a signaling error (syntax error, messages out of sequence or timeout between two messages), the collected events will be stored with an error message in the log.


    In this context, filtering means controlling which signaling messages/sequences and alarms are stored in the event log. An event recognizer in the MPA 7300 is a mechanism that allows the user to look for individual signaling messages and alarms with a specific content – e.g. ISUP RELease messages with cause 17 “user busy”. Sequence recognizers are used to capture a complete sequence of events forming a meaningful transaction – e.g. a telephone call or a Service 800 IN transaction. Both event recognizers and sequence recognizers can be used as filter conditions. The user can select from a wide range of predefined “click-and-go” events and sequence recognizers. Up to 500 concurrent calls/transactions can be followed by a sequence recognizer.


    The MPA contains two trigger types: One start trigger for enabling (open) storage of events and one stop trigger for disabling (close). An event recognizer can be selected as start trigger. A timing offset or event-number offset can also be specified before the event recognizer.

    • Replacement for the successful ETP-71 protocol analyser
    • Used for acceptance testing, detailed trouble shooting, daily maintenance and performance analysis of telecoms networks and switches
    • Easy to use multi-link instrument with true multi-protocol analysis capability for up to ten protocols simultaneously
    • Incorporates a Windows? GUI with pentium processor, 10.4" screen and remote control capability
    • Includes all major telecoms protocols such as SS7, DASS2, DPNSS, BTNR167, GSM, ETSI Q931, INAP etc
    • Ability to store 1GB of data with 1ms resolution, filter trigger and perform sequence recording for easy analysis
  • 企业介绍
我公司专营全新及二手通用电子仪器仪表设备、测试电缆、测试附件等等。为全国厂商企业、科研单位、各类院校及部队提供质优价廉的仪器仪表。十余年来,以专业细致的技术支持和周到的售后服务,赢得了广大用户的青睐。所售仪器,经专业技术人员逐…  更多>>
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  • Shaukat 在2018/9/24 23:20:00留言
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  • 王力 在2015/3/17 14:02:00留言
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  • 赵先生 在2012/2/24 16:59:00留言
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