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  • MS371A二手PCM话路分析仪  
  • 发布时间:2009/5/5 14:22:15   修改时间:2009/5/5 14:22:15 浏览次数:2051
  • MS371A二手PCM话路分析仪
  • PCM话路分析仪(PCM Channel Analyzer) MS371A

    厂家: 日本安立

    The MS371A1 is the same as the MS371A but also has 64 kb/s co-contradirectional interface.

    测量及维护 M1X 多工器, PABXs 和 PCM 终端机系统 

    MS371A/ A1 是一部用于数字基群传输的有许多测试功能的,全面的测试仪器。它可用来测量 :

    (1) 话音编码/解码表现特性
    (2) 帧定位/警报测试
    (3) 比特,编码和帧误码 
    (4) 时间抖动 
    (5) 信令等

    安立公司的 MS371A/ A1拥有测量 PCM 系统所必需要大多数功能,它是一全方位测试量仪器, 可以提高测试效率。PCM 系统的话声音编码/解码的测试需要更多的时间和工作量。MS371A/A1 可储存所有测试顺序步骤及参数,并可重复呼叫出来从而大大减小测量时间并提高效率。


    传统的测试系统,其测试结果通过个人计算机或外置设备进行修改,但MS371A/ A1 可以在内部完成并印到外部打印机上。 


    • 自动测量 A-A, A-D, D-A 和 D-D (A:类比;D: 数位);
    • 帧定位/警报 测试 
    • 误码测试 
    • 时间抖动测量 
    • 信令测试 
    • GPIB 控制器 
    • 内置打印机

    Measurement and Maintenance of M1X Multiplexers, PABXs and PCM Terminal Systems 

    The MS371A/A1 is an overall measuring instrument with many measuring functions for digital primary hierarchy transmission. It can be used to measure:

    (1) voice encode/decode performance characteristics
    (2) frame alignment/alarm test
    (3) bit, code, and frame errors
    (4) timing jitter
    (5) signalling, etc.

    The Anritsu MS371A/A1 has most of the functions required to measure PCM systems. It is an all-purpose measuring instrument designed to improve measurement efficiency. Measurements of PCM voice encode/decode performance require much time and labor. The MS371A/ A1 stores the measurement sequence and parameters in its internal memory and makes automatic measurements to markedly improve efficiency. It has a GPIB control function, which will allow measurements of 30 channels in one sequence when combined with channel selector. It also compares the measured results to a reference value, judges them, and displays GOOD or NO GOOD automatically. The measured results can then be printed out on the built-in printer. Another special feature is that the report of the measured results can also be printed out an external printer.

    In conventional measuring systems, the results are edited with a personal computer or some other external device. However, the MS371A/A1 performs this function internally and prints out to the external printer. This unique function can instantaneously prepare test performance sheets during installation and report the results of periodic maintenance without the need for manual or computer evaluation.


    • Automatic measurement of A-A, A-D, D-A and D-D (A: analog, D: digital)
      This analyzer automatically measures most of the items in ITU-T Recommendations - G.712/713/714. The test sequence and parameters are stored internally, and new test sequences or parameters can be entered by the operator. Also, measurement can be done manually or via GPIB 
    • Frame alignment/alarm test
      Frame alignment and alarm tests stipulated in ITU-T Rec. G.704/ O.162 can be performed 
    • Error measurement
      Error rate, error count, error second, and % error-free second can be measured by detecting the bit, frame, and code errors 
    • Timing jitter measurement
      Jitter modulation is available. Also jitter amplitude and jitter immunity can be measured 
    • Signalling measurement
      Manipulation/monitoring of the signalling bit and E&M signalling distortion can be measured 
    • GPIB controller
      A GPIB controller function has been incorporated. One to thirty channels can be tested automatically and continuously through the channel selector 
    • Built-in printer
      Results are printed out by the built-in printer. In automatic measurement, all results can be printed out or the printout can be limited to results failing the evaluation 
    • External printer
      Test results from channels 1 to 30 can be edited according to measuring item and printed out. A report, such as a test performance sheet, can be prepared immediately after the completion of measurements 
  • 企业介绍
我公司专营全新及二手通用电子仪器仪表设备、测试电缆、测试附件等等。为全国厂商企业、科研单位、各类院校及部队提供质优价廉的仪器仪表。十余年来,以专业细致的技术支持和周到的售后服务,赢得了广大用户的青睐。所售仪器,经专业技术人员逐…  更多>>
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